This pioneering campaign, first of its kind in Tamil Nadu is launched by the honorable District Collector, Arunraj IAS, and District Social Welfare Officer Mrs. Sangeetha to tackle the complex issues surrounding cybercrimes against children and women. DSW Trust is proud to be at the forefront of this crusade, partnering with the Government of Tamil Nadu. This project perfectly aligns with our mission of advocating for inclusive and equitable healthcare for all children, normal and those with special needs.
Children and teenagers are enthusiastic users of new technologies and social networks, but they are also the most vulnerable segment of the population. This project aims to provide more education and awareness-raising activities to help children gain a better understanding of the different forms of cybercrime and the related risks. By increasing awareness, we can help them use the internet more safely and responsibly and protect them from becoming victims of cybercrime.
Teen pregnancies contribute significantly to dropout rates among high schoolers. The impacted teens face serious challenges to their educational, emotional, physical, and financial states. A wide range of developmental problems are evidenced in children born to teen mothers.
This groundbreaking initiative is dedicated to: